For a very brief moment, it seemed like Samsung had somewhat managed to weather the storm after an eventful September with the Galaxy Note 7 battery saga. But reports of new devices catching fire has the world on tenterhooks once more, and with Sammy having recently obtained a Hazardous Material permit to transfer faulty devices home, the UK’s Royal Mail is completely refusing to ship parcels containing the device.
Despite being a very good, well-reviewed device with strong early sales, the Note 7 is becoming firm’s greatest mobile disaster — if it isn’t already. To have over two million units recalled globally is bad enough. But with Samsung and the US Consumer Product Safety Commission investigating the cause of the recent Southwest flight incident, it may transpire that a second Note 7 recall is deemed necessary.
Meanwhile, the Royal Mail in the UK won’t ship parcels carrying the Galaxy Note 7. There are numerous alternative means to send items, but a large portion of Brits tend to stick with the old faithful by default. Royal Mail has apparently directed Post Office employees to inquire about parcels prior to shipping and subsequently refuse those containing the Note 7. According to AndroidAuthority, a few Post Office branches are taking this a step further and turning down any and all Samsung handsets, though this is not part of the official instruction. Indeed, even if the customer wants to send a recalled device back to Samsung, they’ll have to make other arrangements.
There have been a number of Note 7 bans on airlines over the past few weeks and recently, some cruise lines have stopped travelers from boarding with the Note 7. These heavy-handed approaches indicate just how paranoid many have become, and with Apple and Google having just launched new flagships, two of Sammy’s fiercest rivals will be among those looking to benefit from the Note 7’s ongoing woes.
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